Friday, July 6, 2012

home stretch

 Week 5 of chemo/radiation is done. Just 4 more sessions next week and finito. I'm still feeling strong and healthy 85-90% of the time these days. The radiation sensations have amplified but my topical salves are still  keeping the somewhat inflamed beast at bay. Some stomach challenges here and there but that's also under control.
 Picked up a sweet new guitar..a Gibson 335! been wanting one of these for awhile and the color that I had been looking for (red) came in on consignment to my local music store. I've been spending lots of time on the back deck and in the yard enjoying the sunshine and playing blues licks.
 After treatment ends next week I'll have a 7 week break before surgery. The plan of course is to stay super healthy with diet/exercise/yoga, head out with Foreigner from August 1-12, and do lots of music at home.
 Now for that home stretch..


  1. Hi Mike Love the new Red Gibson! Piano man and Guitar player oh so talented you are! You look maaarvalous in the picture out in the backyard catching the rays. Glad your feeling strong and with 4 more sessions left to go! Time to turn the page on another Chapter on defeating this ugly thing. Hope your adapting well to your new Diet plan. Janette & I are taking Vitamin B12 to supplement our lack of animal protein being on the all Plant diet now. I hope your having fun juicing as well. There are so many yummy & healthy recipe drinks with fruits and vegis that super charge the immune system! Glad you will be back with the Band in August You must be looking forward to it! Looking forward to seeing you again stay upbeat my man

  2. Hi Mike, I missed seeing you at Art Park and Penn's Peak. Looking forward to seeing you with the band in August. Although I only met you a couple of times in the meet and greets your positive and friendly personality really struck me and left a lasting impression. You were always so appreciative to fans and made me feel very comfortable. I wish you the very best and I'm so very glad to hear that you are on the home stretch and feeling healthy all things considered. You are very close to beating this. My good thoughts go out to you. Gaynor

  3. Dear Michael, wishing you a speedy and full recovery, keep rockin׳!

  4. Hi Michael keep it up and hang tight looking good man and hope to see you soon....

  5. wish you a quick recovery and return back to the stage where you belong, we are praying for your return

  6. hang in there michael, you look great! the guitar is beautiful
