Monday, July 23, 2012

big love

Just had to post this. A few of Foreigner's biggest fans wore these bracelets at a recent show in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. I was very touched to say the least :)
 Feeling like a million bucks these days..wait..maybe I should inflation adjust that old cliché..10 million!! so nice to be living "au naturale" these days..meaning no radiation or chemotherapy. I have been seeing an acupuncturist/herbalist regularly since the beginning of treatment, and he recently started me on a post-chemo herbal regimen to detox the system and get strong for surgery. Though initially skeptical, I must say it's certainly not hurting, and my energy and digestion have been top notch. I aim to stay with these herbs and supplements till just before surgery happens on September 7.
 I'm heading out to Connecticut at the end of the month where I'll start a 3 week run of shows with Foreigner. So psyched!! Life is good..and love really helps.

Monday, July 16, 2012

a gift

Just wanted to share this watercolor that was done for me by my good friend Pete Maloney. He gave this to me on Thursday upon completion of my 5 and 1/2 weeks of Chemo and Radiation. I have had such wonderful, giving, thoughtful family and friends throughout this process so far. Thanks everyone! I still have some hurdles left on this journey, but you are all helping to make it possible.



Friday, July 6, 2012

home stretch

 Week 5 of chemo/radiation is done. Just 4 more sessions next week and finito. I'm still feeling strong and healthy 85-90% of the time these days. The radiation sensations have amplified but my topical salves are still  keeping the somewhat inflamed beast at bay. Some stomach challenges here and there but that's also under control.
 Picked up a sweet new guitar..a Gibson 335! been wanting one of these for awhile and the color that I had been looking for (red) came in on consignment to my local music store. I've been spending lots of time on the back deck and in the yard enjoying the sunshine and playing blues licks.
 After treatment ends next week I'll have a 7 week break before surgery. The plan of course is to stay super healthy with diet/exercise/yoga, head out with Foreigner from August 1-12, and do lots of music at home.
 Now for that home stretch..